Samsung Galaxy A51 Review - The Best Selling Android Phone Is BACK!

The Best Selling Android Phone Is BACK!

The Best Selling Android Phone Is BACK!

This is the Samsung Galaxy A51 the company's answer to the mid-range smartphone market in 2020.  now if you recall last year right about the same time, I got the chance to check out the Galaxy a 50 which was this fella’s predecessor.  it had a beautiful display the battery life was also really good and most importantly, it was priced at 350 dollars in some cases, you were able to pick it up for $300 which was a steal in my opinion in fact the 850 was one of the top-selling smartphones around the world competing against.

Apple's iPhones that conveys a strong message most people just don't care about having the fastest flagship smartphone because you know they just want something basic they don't want a million features that brands use as marketing points to sell their $1000 phones the launch price of the a 51 is 399 dollars so it's a $50 premium compared to the Galaxy a 50 when it was launched but these phones can be picked up for less depending on sales events and all that kind of stuff so watch out for that that being said compromises had to be made by these brands to hit that price point and that certainly affects the overall user experience some of the issues.
I had with the a 50 was the lackluster performance the cameras wearing the greatest especially when compared to the pixel 3A which was right up its alley in that price range so has Samson addressed or happy at least tried to improve some of those issues from the a 50 with the a 51 let's find out after.

The Best Selling Android Phone Is BACK!

this of course their dark core RGB Pro is a mouse for every type of gamer with 50 million braided armor on switches lighting blink 2 side grips for better comfort a type-c connector with 50 hour battery life and a three-way operation mode with course there's a slipstream hyper fast wireless technology check it out below alright so from a physical aspect they haven't made any major changes you're still getting a plastic back with metal side railings just like the 850 so it's not a scratch proof as glass backs but it's less.

The Best Selling Android Phone Is BACK!

here to crack like glass which is a benefit if I were you, I just Rock a case just to be safe the display has received a bit of an upgrade. I mean it's not substantial but they made it look like a modern flagship smartphone.
so they've expanded the screen by 0.1 inches eliminated the notch on the a 50 and when with an infinity o design or in other words you get a punch hole camera. they're also using the same AMOLED display on the a 50 rocking the same resolution. I'll be you get extra pixels vertically because of that screen expansion and that's it does it have a high refresh rate no does, it have support for HDR 10 Plus video no does it even look good.
yes, absolutely guys, it's still a beautiful screen with great color vibrancy and deeper blacks it looks just as good as a flash your smartphone and I appreciate the fact that it's still a flat screen without any curves. look the display is the most important factor of any smartphone and I'm glad Samsung hasn't cut any corners.
here unfortunately Samsung has still kept the single mono speaker at the bottom which can easily be blocked with your finger when you're holding it in landscape mode. it sounds okay, it certainly doesn't get any louder. I would have preferred a dual speaker setup on the A51 that would've been a nice upgrade over the A50, but we're not getting that with this phone, but on the positive side we still get a headphone jack. 
yeah remember that guy the 3.5-millimeter thingy. I'm glad that they've still camped it the in display fingerprint sensor is still here unfortunately just like the a 50 I haven't had the best luck when it comes to unlocking the device successfully it refuses for like four times and then the fifth time it works odd just fine in some cases it locks me out and it asked me to try in 30 seconds, so I have to force myself to use the swipe pattern which is the second way of unlocking the device I mean it's I have had better luck with the pixel 3A and of course the s20 which is much more expensive smartphone but I really want to know your thoughts about this would you rather prefer having a display or an in display fingerprint sensor on a cheap smartphone instead of a dedicated one at the back that's actually easily accessible and something that actually works most of the time. because I feel like this is certainly one of the areas that is like a hit or miss on a lot of mid-range smart, but I'm curious to know about your thoughts in the comments ask for the rest of features well there isn't anything new compared to the A50.
they've still kept a microSD card slot for storage expansion which I'm sure a lot of you would appreciate there's no support for wireless charging nor does it even have an official IP rating which all makes sense because those certifications and … more.