5 Tips To Help Cyclists Prevent Sore Or Numb Hands

do you suffer with saw or non-hands why if you do then this is the video of you. I give you tips and tricks so that you can prevent your hands to Anam and sort and get you enjoying your ride again. I too have suffered with numbness of hands especially on those long endurance rises like.

I did are not riding for 24hours so that got me thinking how can we prevent it right. I'm gonna kick off with something really simple now new Ponder ‘the sport tends to grip on the bars too.

Tight and this could be due to a bit of nervousness but if you can a try and relax your hands baby giving them a slight will to make sure that you’re not gripping them too hard bend your elbows we're not looking for a Chris Froome angle but a slight bend will survive and relax those shoulders. Now a good thing to think about when doing this is to engage that core try and engage that core and maybe even lift. Your hands off the bars that will show, you’re engaging that core and, you’re not putting too much pressure on your hands now you can do this on the turbot hat way you're in a nice safe environment to practice your hands or engaging it core oh here we go. I think, I need to work on my core still.

bike setup is incredibly important when preventing injuries and pain if you ‘renew to cycling or you've got a new bike why I would strongly suggest is get a bike fit if you're finally got a sore hands or numbness of the hand what you. 
Could do is try these few tips that will help you prevent them now one of these could be that you've got your bars too low. so if you just received a new bike don’t cut that steerer straight away, because it's cool no try it using spaces to find the right height bars for you. 
Transferring some of that weight onto the saddle the last thing you want to do is put all that pressure all that way onto your hands in your bars because then you'll find these nerve endings in the middle of your hand start to well get too much pressure on and they will create that numbness and that's what we’re trying to prevent. so, try moving up those bars.

5 Tips To Help Cyclists Prevent Sore Or Numb Hands

now the great thing about rode bikes is you can use different hand variations. yeah you can go for the tops they're flats and also the drops yeah my dream is something that mountain bikers don’t have that we wrote riders can take advantage on. so make sure when you're out riding mix up your barb dishes especially on those longer rise moving your hands from the tops of the flats see those drops keeping it nice and fresh that way you’re not paying too much pressure on. 

yeah if you want to invest a little bit further what you could do is invest in your bars. now I've gone for some arrow bladed bars and a lot of people find these more comfortable there's more surface area and it's a little bit more comfortable on the hands especially when you’re riding on the tops or the flat.  so why not investing in a pair of those and to be fair they're pretty quick as well.
so you're looking at creating a bit more comfort on your bars what you could do and what trick the pros use and also those ultra-endurance riders is double wrapping your bars all you need is two sets of bar tape put one bar tape on and then overlap it with another set of bar tape this creates a bit more comfort but it has a bit more cushioning but it also creates a bigger diameter so it makes it that a little bit more comfortable for the hands in that position and then if you’re struggling to get the comfort that you want under the hoods what you could do is use a bit of bar tape or a strip and put strips under the hood that way you create a bit more cushion when you’re sitting in the hoods as well nice easy trick.
now if you want to take it a bit further you could invest in your comfort now, I’m talking about your tires now I'm not saying it would go for some big thick heavy tractor size oh no go for something like this25 C tires or even 28 that way you’ll invest a little bit of comfort. so, you can run your tires a little bit softer that way you won't have to worry about punches as well and it will glide over those rough surfaces and it will stop all. that vibration coming from the road up to your bars into your hands a really good way to create a bit comfort without spending too much money.